Sunday, July 11, 2010


Well, here are my ambitions for the future:

1. I want to have a decent job that I enjoy.
2. I would like to marry a decent guy that I love.
3. I want air conditioning.

Maybe #3 should be #1. This week has been by far the hottest week of my life... my apartment, while nice, lets the heat in but doesn't let it back down -- it's boiling in here. I've been spending a lot of time in the library, as a result...yay, air conditioned library. : ) However, I have had the time to make peanut butter cookies, pumpkin pie cake, and pasta in my apartment kitchen -- as well as a variety of lunches... it's so nice to have places to put food, and food to put places.

The other thing about the heat is it's turning me into a night owl, because it's too hot to go to sleep until about 2 in the morning (really it's still too hot at 2, but it's a mild improvement...) Luckily it's easier to go without sleep in the summer than it is in the winter. Still, I wouldn't mind it if we have a week of weather in the low 70s...