Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Classes are...

Well. My classes are all relatively interesting...but they each have their pros and cons. Let's examine:

PCS: Is an interesting discussion course about relevant issues involving overpopulation and clear writing. Downside: the reading takes FOREVER to get through and is NOT a good example of clear writing. 

Linguistics: Is an interesting topic, if not a fascinating course...the professor has a very neutral voice which is sometimes hard to hear/pay attention to and the lecture setting isn't ideal. But the real Downside: I just discovered that there are like 50 symbols for various phonetic sounds that I have to memorize, in addition to the mass of terminology that has been dumped upon me. Phonetics: Grrr.

Film: is super! We watch movies! And I've only had one lecture so far, but it was captivating...the professor is passionate about movies and he gets the class involved as well. Downside: It seems easy...too easy. I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop. 

In other news, the foliage is getting pretty. : ) I hope everyone is well back home and I hope mom feels incredibly guilty for eating grape pie without me. 

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Classes Start Tomorrow!

So of course I'm posting instead of going to bed... : ) I'm taking three classes this term, as follows: Intro to Linguistics, Intro to Film, and a writing seminar entitled "Population, Consumption, and Sustainability". Or PCS as I would rather call it. My earliest class is at 10 and on Tuesday I have no classes at all, which is pretty nice. 

Part of me is rather worried about classes (see picture). On the other hand, part of me is glad they're finally starting so I no longer have to feel like the fake college student whose just mooching free food off the establishment (the other day I got free crepes! Yum. Also: free cookies, free hamburgers, free organic vegetables, free apples, free brownies, free drinks, free pasta salad...it balances out in the end though because the food here is really expensive.)

Anyway, I actually am going to go to bed now. For real. Really, I am. No seriously! Right...
now. : )

Monday, September 15, 2008


See this ring? It's silver and I made it myself in the Dartmouth jewelry workshop. It's a really cool program; for $10 a term, you can come in any time and make whatever jewelry you want (the ten bucks also gets you into the woodshop and the ceramics studio) with help from professionals for only the cost of materials (the ring cost me $2.20). Guess what everyone's getting for Christmas....
The last picture is proof that I need a poster. I love Julie's collages (I also have an Aunt Anne picture up...but it's not in this photo) but my wall is large and white and in need of more relief. Luckily we have a poster store.

By the way, feel free (but again, not obligated) to post comments on my blog entries...there should be a "post comment" underneath each. For example, you could write "Hi Rin. My ring size is 7, and I prefer gold." Or something : )

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Organic Farming Trip!!

Hey everyone! I got back yesterday from my fantastic organic farming trip, which consisted of many, many games, a lot of dancing (Michael Jackson, anyone?), swimming in the frigid Connecticut River, eating homemade pizza fired in a brick oven and topped with organic vegetables, harvesting cherry tomatoes and other vegetables (broccoli, beans, peppers, eggplant, beets, etc.), and sleeping outside under the stars. The pictures are, in order: the river, which was especially gorgeous in the morning covered in fog; some of my "trippees" making dinner; me blocking the crop field with my head; our "tent" and gear. I didn't get too camera-happy because I didn't want to break my camera, but there are a couple of pictures Dartmouth took that I'll have access to later. Final conclusion: so far, so good.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Notes on Packing

Packing is the scourge of life. I think it was designed so that no matter how awful the subsequent away-from-home experience may be, it'll seem delightful compared to the horrible hours of packing you've just been through. I want to go a on a trip once in my life where I pack absolutely nothing, and simply purchase anything I might need once I've arrived. Hopefully it'll be a cheap place like Peru as opposed to, say Britain so that this doesn't bankrupt me.

The best way to cheer myself up from my Mid-Packing Depression is to look at the adorable pictures Ella and Fiona took of themselves on my computer. : )

Monday, September 1, 2008


So at Aunt Gail's suggestion, I have decided to create a blog detailing all the fascinating happenings in my life to my loving family and friends while I'm away at college. I can picture it now:

Thurs, 10/16, 4:32pm. Did laundry. Ate pb&j sandwich. Tired. Will now go to class.

Just kidding. I'll try to be at least vaguely interesting. Anyway, if anyone feels severely Rin deprived, as I'm sure you all will at least once in the next four years, you can check up on my life here...or, you know, call me. Or email me at k.kendig@dartmouth.edu. There are really just so many options.

So that's it for now.