The last picture is proof that I need a poster. I love Julie's collages (I also have an Aunt Anne picture up...but it's not in this photo) but my wall is large and white and in need of more relief. Luckily we have a poster store.
By the way, feel free (but again, not obligated) to post comments on my blog entries...there should be a "post comment" underneath each. For example, you could write "Hi Rin. My ring size is 7, and I prefer gold." Or something : )
Miss Rinny,
I tried to post something when you first sent the e-mail so this is a test!
Ok Rin...how is this working for you? I really love it and I'm enjoying the pictures. Can you e-mail me with your mailing address and e-mail?
Mine is gkendig@rochester.rr.com
I have to learn how to do the pictures yet.....clueless in Rochester!
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