Sunday, November 23, 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008
A Somber Note

Everything in my life is pretty great right now. I'm really happy and I'm really excited to see everyone at Thanksgiving. But here I would like to address some of the misfortunes currently in my life:
First, my film readings. They're trying to kill me with endless pages of big words and meaningless sentences...that and tiny, tiny print.
Second, the fact that I can never convince myself to bring my umbrella with me unless it's already raining, and somehow Dartmouth weather patterns always make sure that it starts to rain after I leave my room. By the time I get a chance to come back (all wet) and get my umbrella, it has usually stopped raining.
Third, I have not as of now found My Future Husband yet. Of course, I have time, and yet I have to ask myself: why is it so hard to find a guy who's not on drugs, not a heavy drinker, has a good personality, and doesn't have a girlfriend? That doesn't seem like so much to ask. (Of course my criteria, outlined on my Boyfriend Application Sheet, also take things like SAT scores, future prospects, favorite color, appreciation of Jane Austen, and ability to cook into account...)
Fourth and finally, pudding cups are too small. Every time I eat a pudding I find myself thinking that I would have been satisfied with just one more bite (i.e., three bites). Not that I'm, cough cough, eating pudding a lot. But I still think they should be bigger. And they should be designed so they're easier to scrape.
As you can clearly see, life isn't all fun and games for me right now. But luckily there are a few perks despite the tragedies of the film readings and the umbrella. Sunday brunch, movies at the Hop, good grades, free Tuesdays...if only these small pleasures were enough to make up for tiny pudding cups.
: )
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
I have a system. It goes like this: I let my room get really messy on all the days when I'm really busy: stuff on the floor, dirty dishes piling up, clothes all over. (Photo A). And then on the days when I'm not busy, I clean it all up at once. (Photo B).
As you can see in Photo A, sometimes it takes a while to get to a non-busy day.
I also wanted to put up a picture of my earrings because I think they look cool.
In other, non-photo-related news: I voted today! I am now a responsible and civically active citizen. It's exciting. It was weird though because New Hampshire uses the paper ballot system, and it felt very strange to be selecting my choice for the next Leader of the Free World (I don't really like that title but I'm using it for emphasis) by using a marker to fill in a bubble. They had better not miscount my vote!
Anyway, now all there is to do is stress out subconsciously until the results come in.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Well, I'll admit, I was unimpressed with the Halloween social scene...but people did have some very creative costumes! And I had a lot of fun painting my face...and dyeing my hair...and spending time with my friends. So all in all a pretty good Halloween. (You can probably believe that at midnight I was in the shower with a mirror and a lot of scrubbing...)
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