Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Work, Eat, Work, Movie

Sorry it's taken me so long to update this. I kept waiting for something to take a picture of, but finally I decided I would just post without a picture. 

My term has been going pretty well. I tend to have large amounts of work piled up on one or two days and then days where I have almost nothing to do... and of course, I can't use these empty days to get ahead on work, because that would be breaking the College Student's Code of Relaxation.

My job has been very useful because, without actually slacking off, I've managed to get tons and tons of homework done while working. When the store is neat and there aren't any customers, I read my books for English...and I can get a lot read in a 6 hour shift. Unfortunately my boss is coming back from Ecuador soon, and when she pops in and out, I have to pretend to be busy. : (

On a related note, back in December I stopped into work to pick up my paycheck and there was a reporter there doing a story on the store's recent expansion. She asked me for a quote and I declined because I couldn't think of anything to say other than "it's awesome". Well, lo and behold, on page 15 of the Valley Business Journal this month there's an article about Traditionally Trendy, and employee Katherine Kendig is quoted in it as saying the store is "awesome." I always knew I'd be famous...

I tried looking up the article online to show you guys but I couldn't find it. I'll try and scan a copy on Saturday when I work again. Love you all! I'll try to be better about updating!

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