Saturday, February 6, 2010

Halfway through term already?

It's hard to believe that I'm already halfway through this term and less than a month from my birthday... crazy!

So remember how last term I wrote a short play and it got performed in the Dartmouth Ten Minute Play Festival? Well, I did that this term too -- my second play will be performed on Tuesday. I remember when mom told me that she had written her 8th grade school play I felt like I was behind the curve, but I guess I'm making up the deficit one mini-play at a time... : )

I've been pretty tired lately because my tutoring job is in the morning on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, so I have to get up at about 7:30 three times a week (gasp, the horror!). Today, however, I slept in until 11 and felt much better.

For those of you who may not know, I declared my major last week: Anthropology Modified (with Education). That's one weight off my shoulders, at least! I also finished my applications to study abroad next year -- I find out in early March whether or not I got into the programs I applied for.

Well, I have to go get lunch before they close up the dining halls, and then work on some homework... Have a great weekend!

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