Thursday, May 14, 2009

Nature Again

One of the best things about Dartmouth compared to the other schools I was considering -- namely U Chicago and Columbia -- is that because it's not in a city, I can take a walk around campus on a beautiful warm night and not feel at all worried. As I was coming back from a movie last night, I decided to take the long way because I was pondering and didn't want to be interrupted by artificial lights and the temptations of my laptop. I kept going further and further though and ended up circling most of campus. It was quite nice. (Note: it wasn't too late, only 10:30. Even at Dartmouth I would be more cautious at like 2:30 in the morning.)

Pictured above is an elm tree, for those of you who were intrigued by my last post. : ) This picture is from early April though -- it has leaves now. I'll have to take another picture...

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