Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Mom and I made pyrohy today! At first we were a little freaked out, because our dough was a bit too hard and our filling was a little too soft, and when we ate them right after we cooked them, they didn't taste all that great. But when we let them sit for a few hourse and added some buttery onions on top, they turned out really good! Not up to Baba level, but better than any others... You can see here a sample of our work. : )

This kind of reminds me of the old days of our Ukrainian tapes from Aunt Chris: "B-b-b-barabolya, sounds good to me, with a little smetana, that's sour cream, oh it's a dream with sour cream..." Just substitute pirohy for barabolya...

1 comment:

Gail Kendig said...

Can't wait for those tasty treats Miss Rin!! You're hired!
Aunt Gail