The good news is that one day I'll look back and laugh. New job tidbits:
...I took detailed inventory for over an hour, cataloguing everything we had and everything we needed -- only to have my boss read my list, leave, and then come back from the warehouse with a huge load of random articles, most of which we already had too many of.
...I took a display of silver earrings -- in which the earrings were "displayed" in a huge messy pile -- and polished each and every tiny little earring, before sorting them all out and making the display look more like a display and less like a junk pile.
...I was asked "Where's the thing?" four more times in two days.
...I emptied out an entire jewelry case -- necklaces, bracelets, earrings, rings, pins, stands, decorative rocks, everything -- so that we could move it to where it was before.
...I calmed down a fellow employee who was feeling hurt because our boss was rude to her numerous times. I explained that she doesn't like me either. : )
...I modeled the above Dartmoose hat for your viewing pleasure. It took me four tries to get a decent picture. The other picture is, of course, the whole store.
My job really isn't all that bad. I don't want to make it sound like I'm the most unfortunate worker since indentured servitude. What it basically comes down to is I just don't like my boss.
Otherwise things are pretty good. : )